lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


Hello! I'm Celia and I'm the translator.

I'm going to talk about last week.

We continued with"UDCMM" and we did the augmented reality activity.

Resultado de imagen de realidad aumentada en educacion

With augmented reality, children have the opportunity to explore the environment around them in a more attractive and interesting way, and there is no need to leave the classroom, which is also an advantage for the teacher, who can thus pay more attention to the curiosities of each child.

It contains many ways of seeing the world, with virtual reality images, 3d objects, videos, audios...
One of the advantages that this activity offers is the development of autonomy and creativity in the student and also that it is not very complicated to carry out since you only need a tablet, mobile or camera.

With this activity, children enjoy a lot while they learn.

However, the use of a device containing a camera and internet access are requirements for this activity can also become a disadvantage, as we know that schools are improving their technological materials but nowadays not all of them have a good internet connection or technological devices. It is clear that this activity is innovative and can give very good results, but if it is done with slow or old devices that generate many problems the activity can be boring for students and they will lose interest.

The next day we were also going to do activities with children, however, at the last minute, we were informed that this was not going to be possible due to the fact that the coronavirus has been installed in Spain for a long period of time, forcing us to remain in quarantine for at least fifteen days.

But what is COVID-19?

Resultado de imagen de coronavirus

It is a very contagious virus that can be caught by the entire population, but it especially affects the elderly and people with respiratory or heart problems or who are immunosuppressed.

But don't worry!

There are several ways to avoid contagion or spreading it to others. To do this, we must wash our hands well, keep a meter away from people and, most importantly, DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE!

So, for these days when children can't go to school but must follow, some of the tasks that teachers can send to their students are

-Keep reading, teachers could offer some easy to find book titles on the internet or at home so they don't lose the habit of reading.

-Do homework, on topics already given in class because, if children have to learn by themselves it would probably be difficult and boring for them.

-Exercising with parents through games is a good way to strengthen family ties and not lead a sedentary life.

Resultado de imagen de niños en casa

We believe that current conditions are not the best for learning, but we must always look on the bright side and be optimistic. We are!

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