jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

CURATORS; 23rd - 27th

Good evening!🥒
Welcome once again to our blog, how have you been doing lately? From the bottom of our hearts, we hope you're doing fine and that it is the same for all your loved ones. Please, keep in mind how important it is to be cautious and to follow all the instructions we're given, staying at home and protecting not only ourselves but also everyone else out there.

This week it's been us, Alex and Alicia, the ones that have taken the role of curators on behalf of our group. We're quite excited about it, as it is our first time being in charge of this and it is also the only remaining role we have, so let's get started, shall we?

We've only really used two sources of information in order to do this activity, which are the following:

1. The main ideas of the work, also known as the "4 main potentialities of ICT in the classroom", were taken exclusively from "21st Century Skills: Rethinking how students learn," by Lemke. Mostly, we paid attention to the three types of innovation that were highlighted: the fuel for a knowledge-based economy, democratization of knowledge, and participatory learning. This document was sent to us by our teacher:

Lemke, C. (2010). Innovation through technology. 21st-century skills: Rethinking how students learn, 243-272.

2. To have a clear view of the type of comic we were going to create, we looked up information regarding the "13 rue del percebe," by Francisco Ibáñez. Our teacher provided us two webpages with information regarding types of comics and how can we make them become a powerful and useful tool at school; however, we stuck to the main idea of digging further into this specific kind. This is an interesting article we came across:

Robles, J. M. (2018, 23 enero). Así sería hoy la España de '13, Rue del Percebe'. Recuperado 26 marzo, 2020, de https://www.elmundo.es/papel/historias/2018/01/23/5a60de4ae2704edb3b8b45a9.html

We were thrilled to see that another author had had the same idea as us, of bringing the classic comic to life in the current era, and although their comic is more based on the social aspects of nowadays, and ours on the technology, they still go wonderfully well together.

Lastly, as we all are always looking for more resources and tools to take advantage of as not only students, but as teachers, we would like to point out the fact that the program we used for drawing digitally, and tracing the hand-drawn parts, is one called Sketchbook, for pc, which is... FREE! We're sure some of you will find it useful.

Here is an updated version of our concept map:

That would be all for today! We sincerely hope you have a lovely week, and stay tuned for more! 🥒

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