viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020


What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of this activity was definitely being with kids for the first time this semester. It was amazing to see how joyful they were while working on our activity. Some students were working on the voicing, and some were working on the pictures and figures for the video. They were all very engaged in what they were doing no matter what role they had.

What was the worst?
The small amount of time that we had with the children. Even though we chose and wrote a short story, it was still difficult to finish recording and taking all the pictures in just an hour. If we had more time, we could have included more frames in our video. 

What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
The best moment for our group was on Friday when some of us came to meet in the library in order to discuss and solidify our plans for the week. We were able to get a concrete idea of what we needed to do before Tuesday and carry out some of our ideas.

What was the worst?
We left somethings for the last minute like cutting out the figures for the stop motion. It was extremely stressful in the morning putting them together. They took longer than we thought they would so I was worried they wouldn’t be finished in time.

What have you learnt?
We were surprised that the children stuck with our activity the whole time. We thought they might fight over the roles or not be interested, but that was not the case. They chose their roles (ex. Director, cameraman, actor) calmly. We told them that they could change roles at any point but none of them did.

What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
Our excitement for the activities. Linda mentioned the novelty effect before our activity, but we need to remember that with each week comes new kids. Every activity is also new for them, so we need to be just as happy and excited as we were this week.

What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
In the following weeks, we need to work on our time management as a group. We have been leaving things for the last minute recently and this causes stress between all of us. As I mentioned above, we left some things for the morning that we were meeting with the kids. If we finish everything the night before, we will be more secure with our lesson. We also need to work on the distribution of work. It seems that every week we have the same people doing most of the work. 

How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and your degree?
This content is the purpose of our degree and courses. Not a storytelling stop-motion video but working directly with children. We got the chance to work with kids from a public school and carry out our own lesson plan. 

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