sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020

TRANSLATOR (16/3-20/3)

Hi! Welcome back to our magnificent blog! We're Alex and Carlos, and we're here to propose to you some information relevant to the activities we've planned for this week!

As you must know, we're quarantined in our houses, so we had to plan our activities exclusively in an online version, and this is where our concepts come in.


Tik Tok is a very on-trend social media platform where you can only post short videos (less than one minute long). You have many different tools at your disposal, such as sound editing, face altering filters, and music and sounds to play on your videos.


VRCHAT is another social media site where you have the possibility to create a virtual world to share with anyone around the globe. It also allows you to explore other people's worlds.


Padlet is an information sharing platform in which you create a digital board that you can fill with anything, like links to videos, files, photos... It's very useful especially when you want to have all your sources in one accessible area, without needing to bookmark each interesting website you find, so for research or academic purposes it's a very commonly used tool.


While we know that "script" is a vague term, we thought it necessary to include it in our list, since it's of vital importance when planning a story-telling activity. The script refers to exactly what is going to happen in the story. It has the dialogues, the locations, the needed props (or atrezzo), when each character comes or goes, etc. It is the most important part of any production, since without a proper script you either have no story to tell, or you can't tell it properly.


The atrezzo, more commonly known as props, refers to the different elements you will need to use in a particular scene to comply with the script, and to set the ambience for the story you're telling. For example, if your character is reading a book, your actor will need to have a real book in their hands in order to illustrate that properly, you can't pretend to read a book without a book. In that case, the book would be part of the atrezzo. Props really help bring the story to life, and some of them have ended up being iconic, and very recognizable, like for example Harry Potter's glasses.

We hope these terms were all useful and helped you gain a more insightful perpspective of our ideas, however, like in anything, there are some negative aspects you could benefit from taking into consideration. 
For instance, using Tik Tok with your students, while being very engaging, can also be a source of distraction for the less focused or determined students. Another hurdle could be the fact that maybe not all of your students have access to the necessary technology needed to use certain tools, such as the VRChat, which might require a certain level of internet connection, abilities of the computer, or even user dexterity.

Even taking into account these minor set-backs, we believe that we had very interesting and plausible ideas within the online realm, and as challenging as it may be sometimes to bring these ideas to life, the end result is worth it, because you will end up succeeding in not only teaching your students a new skill, and the topics which you used them for, but also in allowing them to have fun while they learn, which is the best possible outcome.

Thanks for reading us, and we hope to see you soon! 

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