jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


Hello everyone! We are Marta and Natalia and this week we have been the analysts.
So here we are going to answer the questions about this week and make a reflection about it!

Resultado de imagen de 13 rue del percebe


a. What was the best part of the activity?
The best aspect of the entire activity is being able to work with comics, some of us really liked the idea of drawing and the are very good at it so the result was very good.

b. What was the worst?

Not everyone was involucred the same but we managed to do the work on time, but we all need to be more involved.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
When we saw the comic fnished, it was so grateful and we were very proud of our mates for creating that comic page.

d. What was the worst?
When we suddenly realized that we were not talking everything and we needed to talk more and put things in common, and if a problem exists try to solve it.

e. What have you learned?
We have learn how to draw in a graphic tablet, and draw in a more comic way. We have also learn how to make jokes with the ict.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
As we have said in posts before, our good relationship, we have to keep having a really positive environment.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
Being a little more diligent and responsible when it comes to doing every work  in advance, and not leaving it for the last minute. Also communicating a little more.

h. How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and your degree?
It is very useful in how you plan complex activities for the classroom, because everyone knows how to draw, but not everyone knows how to plan and carry on a comic and make it with sense of humor. It’s also really helped us grasp the concepts of Lemke principles, which are  very useful and engaging for the students.

i. Is there any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?.
There are of course various obvious connections, but the most relevant, or important one for us is the aspect of working with humor about quarentine. as in our educational system, classes are often too large and make everything more complicated, imagine if we talk about online classes!!! it is such a mess, like our comic shows.

Quarentine has shows us how to learn by videoconferences, how to organizate a online class, to be prepared if when we will be teacher this situation happens be prepared. And to reflect about opportunities and how not everyone has the same.

Resultado de imagen de comic


According to this week, we have been noticing the effects of first-person confinement; never better said. The lack of communication and meeting has passed us a bill making us understand how important it is to relate as people. Still, we have been able to put ourselves before adversity and continue with the only important thing that is to continue our lives as normal. The development of the tasks has been both efficient and individual on some occasions, since we have worked a little at our air. On the other hand, we have had one of the most emotional moments when putting the cards on the table and talking about the few misunderstandings we have had as a group (all derived from the confinement and stress that the situation causes). In relation to activities, this week we have developed our creativity to the maximum by making a comic book where we reflected the use of ICT in education; this has been an activity, in my view, it was a very entertaining and entertaining activity that I think we all enjoy.

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