viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020


Hello there, dear readers! This is Carlos, and this week I had been working as the curator. My job here is to gather, collect and classify all the sources we used for doing the activities of UN DÍA EN EL COLE DE MI MAESTRO. So without further ado, let's get into it!

First, on Tuesday 3rd we had the activity "Storytelling", in which we used the story of the Red Riding Hood, but told by Alex's grandmother. She came up with a different story when Alex was little and told her every time. We got this story through an audio that Alex recorded from her. Also, we got most of the atrezzo for the stopmotion from the Internet, but colored by ourselves, and even draw by us!

Then for the activities involving Codey Rocky on Thursday 5th, we didn't do much research on the programming part, because we had already worked with the interface of Scratch, but our facilitator Marta wrote down a script to know how to do everything for the activity, explaining to the students how to program and make Codey Rocky alive!

Here is the addition to the curator concept map:

I hope that this coming week is as fun as the last one and that students learn as we do with them!

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