sábado, 15 de febrero de 2020


The first day we started this assignment was February 6, when the teacher explained to us what to do.

The first thing we did was read the document that Linda uploaded to the virtual classroom to divide the roles and understand each other. Once this was done, we began to organize what each of us had to do:

  • Alex, in the role of facilitator, explained to each of us our task and helped those who needed it.
  • Marta and Natalia chose the star role and in class they chose the materials they were going to use for the oral presentation (a pastel blue cardboard of many colors).
  • Martha, with the translator role, and Molly, with the curator role, searched the Internet for documents that were useful for the work.
  • Alicia, being an analyst, created the blog, and Charlie, who also has that paper, helped distribute the papers and wrote the work.
  • Celia, along with Ben, in the role of historian-journalist summarized everything we were doing.
On Friday, after class, those who could gathered to do the work. They bought all the materials for the presentation.

  • Molly and Martha already brought the information that was needed for part of their roles.
  • Alex helped organize everything and Charlie and Alicia were answering questions.
  • Together they started the brainstorming and created the poster.
For the poster they first thought of drawing a big cloud from which drops of water would fall and at the end they would join in a big drop to make it a metaphor of TPACK, and under that drop a flower that grows due to the use of technology. That idea was discarded and we decided to draw a cloud from which drops would fall, which would be the three elements of the TPACK and with examples of each of them. For ACAD, the idea was a sun and, together with the rain, both form a rainbow.

On the day of the presentation, the class distributed the tables and left a space for the journalists and another for the facilitators and the stars explained their posters.

Our group was good, Natalia explained it very well and Marta made the distinction of ACAD being the context of emergent learning.
Linda liked our poster because of the metaphor.

The rest of the groups also did a fantastic job. Some had very little writing, others introduced new concepts and others had a lot of text, but all explained it very well.

In conclusion, this work has helped us to get to know areas that we didn't have much knowledge of and, although each one had a role assigned to them, we helped each other when we needed to and so we were able to do something great

Finally, we have chosen as our partners' blog the one of the group called eight plus half.

Their blog is fantastic! Everything is very well explained and with the photos and drawings they have uploaded everything is much better understood. We are very happy to have such hard-working classmates!

      Kings College Alicante "Google Refernce School"

Firsts are always exciting, and now it's Kings College Alicante’s turn to feel that rush, as they are the first school in Spain to be recognized by Google for their ground-breaking work introducing technological advancements into their classrooms. The school has been named as a “Google Reference School” after they implemented Google's new educational programs into their teaching methodologies.

“This recognition is not fortuitous and summarizes the great work of our students, teachers and managers who have been devoted to technological innovation in the classroom from the very beginning”, explains Carlos Lázaro, director of Digital learning at King's College. The School has been working on this project for the past 4 years and they don’t intend to stop now, they are keen to continue improving and introducing a range of digital solutions in order to improve students' learning.

The "Google Reference School" certification allows King's College to gain exclusive access to Google’s educational tools before their wider launch, to receive visits from other schools interested in the implementation of educational technologies and to be able to host events by Google and the educational society.

"We feel privileged to be part of the Google community and with them we will continue working so that all students have access to technology in an effective way for learning and that allows them to be safe and responsible users, promoting communication, independence, adaptation, collaboration and significant progress." Concludes Carlos Lázaro. 

2 comentarios:

  1. I would humbly suggest the usage of more images as it would esthetically prove richer and more eye catching, instead of constant text to read which could make the reader a bit desperate upon seing so much to read

  2. Thank you so much for your feedback, we will take it into account!
