jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020



-What was the best part of the activity?
We had to work on our own, because Linda wasn’t here, so it gave us a chance to improve  on our independence. Although we came to the university, we separated into groups (depending on the task we had to undertake); each one did their best to make sure that the project went smoothly.
We think that it helps us to have in-depth knowledge about our roles and what we had to do in every task.

-What was the worse part of the activity?
From our point of view, the fact of Linda wasn’t here was also a really big issue. We did the task by ourselves but all agreeing was very difficult because we dont currently live in the same town, so working together was a hard task. However, we talked everything through politely and always respecting context and the situation each member was in. 

Some of the members of the group didn’t say anything about how they were developing the tasks and if they needed some help so it was a little disconcerting to not know exatctly how  everything was truly going until the end of the week.

-What was the best moment of the week?
The best moment of the week was when Alex’s grandmother told us the story that we are going to perform in our storytelling. From my point of view, I think that it was a touching moment because I love listening to my grandmother and even my mother telling me some stories about their childhood. When I was young, maybe 6 or 7 years old, my grandmother told me a lot of tales every night before I went to sleep so it reminded me of those moments.

Also, I really liked the part in which we decided all the props and backgrounds to make the story real. I love making crafts and this was a moment to develop our more creative side!

-What was the worse moment of the week?
On Wednesday our group had a big problem. One of our members didn’t come to any of the meetings that we had, and didn't say anything in our WhatsApp group so we were worried about him. First, we thought that he was ignoring us, but then we understood that the situation was harder. He had personal family problems so he couldn’t tell us anything. We were very worried about him. In the end he told us what he wanted to do and we did it for him instead.

-What have you learned?
We have learnt how to code a robot (Codey Rocky) and also how augmented reality works. It was a difficult task to do due to the fact we hadn’t ever done anything related to that so it was really challenging.
We also have learnt how to work together, because last week was a little messy, and this week we have organized ourselves better, but we need to continue improving.

-What do you need to conserve as a group in the following weeks?
We should keep making as many improvements and changes as possible to our way of working as a group, but something to conserve is the determination that the group members have. They work hard in the challenges eventaking on some of the work they do is not their part, they only do it to help, feeling part of a group instead of caring only about their own work and their own result.

-What do you need to improve as a group- for the next weeks?
As we said, we have to be more organized and be more involved in the task and not leave all the work for the last minute. Also, we think that some people should be more conscious and do their work on time and attend classes.

-How this content is related to other contents in the course and your degree?
I thinks that robots, augmented reality and digital storytelling are directly related to ICT due to the fact we need to use technology and robots are direct uses of tech  and seeing as this subjectis based on how to teach ICT to our pupils and how to employ ICT's our daily lives as teachers.

-There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?
These are some of the main aspects that we can see in real life as teachers and our relationships with ICT:

- Adequacy of the requirements at the level of student development and personal abilities.
- Adaptation of the contents to the previous knowledge of the students as initiators in the construction of the new learning.
- Adaptation of materials to allow manipulation, discovery and creative transformation.
- Adequacy of tasks through cooperative work to strengthen social relations within the classroom.

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