viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020


Hello there! We have had the pleasure to have both Ben and Alex as the analysts for this week, so here are the questions and the reflection they had to make.


a. What was the best part of the activity?
The best aspect of the entire activity is being able to work with children, although we haven’t actually done it yet, we are very excited and it’s kept us focused.

b. What was the worst?

Meeting up keeping in mind the limitations each person has because of work or other personal issues.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
When we drew Linda at our Friday meetup, because it was a nice break and we laughed and had fun.

d. What was the worst?
When we suddenly realized that were a week late for one of the blog entries.

e. What have you learned?
To manage our time in a more intelligent way, we’ve learned a lot about Codey Rocky, and about different platforms for augmented reality and stop motion, as well as dealing with stress.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
Our good relationship, since it’s helped us to deal with any issues that have come up with any teammate without fighting or getting angry. We have a really positive environment, and we will definitely try to keep that going, as it also helps us be our best version in the group.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
Being a little more diligent and responsible when it comes to going to every class and doing everything in advance, and not leaving it for the last minute. Also communicating a little more.

h. How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and your degree?
It is very useful in how you plan complex activities for the classroom, because everyone knows how to read from a book, but not everyone knows how to plan and carry on a stop motion video within 45 minutes. It’s also really helped us grasp the concepts of Game-based-learning and Gamification, which are in trend right now, and very useful and engaging for the students.

i. Is there any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?.
There are of course various obvious connections, but the most relevant, or important one for us is the aspect of working with small groups, as in our educational system, classes are often too large and make everything more complicated. In this blog entry we found, some of the advantages of smaller classes are laid out.
We’re certainly very happy to have this opportunity to work like this because it gives us some background and experience we will without a doubt use in our future classrooms, as well as when we fight for groups with fewer students to ensure a higher quality of education.


According to Cambridge University the use of new technologies and digital teaching methods in classrooms are "amazing learning tools – providing children with a great number of opportunities to improve their English." as well as many other subjects, a good example of these could very well be Codey Rocky, augmented reality in any form or digital storytelling as we have seen in class. Obviously there are risks to be found when employing these activities in a classroom, the digital dependency is always a fear as detailed well by this article by the Concordia St. Paul's University; but for exactly that reason it is vital that we teach children from a young age to interact responsibly with technology. "Children growing up in a supportive digital environment are learning the skills that they will need for their future studies and careers." says a representative from Cambridge English Assessments. As someone who has worked in modern classrooms I have to agree that the implementation of tech at a young age helps with children's attention levels as well as being a fun way for them to learn complex subjects.

Hello there! We have had the pleasure to have both Ben and Alex as the analysts for this week, so here are the questions and the reflection they had to make.

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