viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


Hi! I'm Celia and welcome one more time to our blog!
This week I'm the analyst of the task number eight which talks about the personal learning environment (PLE) 
Personal Learning Environment - Training Industry 
Now, the questions:

a. What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of the activity was that, one more time, we were able to create another metaphor! 
The idea uf using elements of the movie "Alice in Wonderland" in the diagram was very original and we all loved it.
Also, this week each of us have been a bit more responsible with the task, so we can do a very good job.

b. What was the worst?
From my point of view, it's good to divide the task in mini-groups, so everyone can participate at the same level, though I think this way of doing the job makes everyone focus on their part and be less interested in the others.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
When we see the reacion of our peers during the presentation.
Some of them said they really liked the diagram, so we knew that the time that we have been spent, especially Alicia, in making the diagram had been worthwhile.

d. What was the worst?
I think this week we have workes very weel, maybe it' necessary a bit more communication or responsability, but this week has been very good for teamwork.

e. What have you learned?
We realized that we learn in everything we do, even if we are reading Twitter, watchinga serie, writting a whatsapp... all this is part of our personal learning environment (PLE).

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next week?
The good environment and the communication.
We avoid arguing over who does one thing or another, but try make the work the same for everyone.

g. What do you need to improve -as a group- for the next week?
Maybe some of us, I include the first, need to work a bit more because, at the end, some of my peers do more work than others, so a bit more of responsability and communication can end this.

h. How this content is related to other contents in the course and your degree?
It can help us to know other ways of learning than with a book, thus, in the future be able to tech our students other ways of learning and knowing how to search information with ICT.

i. Is there any evident social connection of thi content (news, politics, etc.)?
We realize that technlogies are so accesible to everyone that we can learn anything from them and getused to the fact that, in the future, when we work as teachers, we must teach how to know what content to learn when the students use technologies.
It's also related to know how to make classes more dynamic and, at the same time, interesting.

This week we have had more communication between us because last week we talked about those things that worried us, so we have done a very nice work.
The task has been a little more difficult than the previous one because there were some things that were abstract, but we have understood that everyone has their own way of learnig and that technologies ocuppy a large part in this aspect due to its rapid evolution and easy acces at present.

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