martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Carlos' NEW PLE

Hello guys! 🥒 This is Carlos from PickleRICT bringing new stuff to our blog.

So as you have already noticed, this is an edit from the last post I've uploaded. But, why did I do this? Well, honestly I felt as I didn't make a great job with my PLE representation. I'm a guy who likes learning new stuff, and I self-taught a lot of different things (such as playing instruments, learning new languages, drawing...). But I couldn't come with an idea to represent how I do those things, until today! I have redrawn all my last project that was pretty basic (and ugly, not gonna lie) in order to show that everything can be fixed to improve ourselves, we make mistakes and we have to learn from them!! So, without further ado, let's get into it, shall we?

First things first, when it comes to collecting information and gathering data, I usually stick to some websites and places that can have loads of information about any topic. For example, I use Reddit when I want to investigate in some topic in particular. This website is structured by cathegories called subreddits, covering almost any topic and being pretty much reliable. Then we cannot forget about the resouces that our university has in its repertoire, from a virtual library with a vast number of digitalized books and documents, to even been capable to contact with experts of any field. Lastly, I haven't tried Skillshare as much, but I heard a lot of good reviews about this website, having experience with online classroom that can be complete at your own pace and having a extense library of classes of pretty much everything you can imagine.

Secondly, as for the doing part I represented mostly the method for academic work, even thought I use other methods for other fields, such as the artistic one. Every field of work has its own tools to ease how we do it and also keep us motivated on the subject. For example, I have only drawn something related to writing, but if I included drawing or playing an instrument, we can add more tools, such as Paint SAI Tool, Musescore... But if we want to reflect academic information into a visual project, we also need some specialised tools like PowerPoint, Canva, Padlet, ect.

Finally, nowadays sharing implies that social networks are going to be part of this process, So, I had included three of the most popular social networks we have. But I also have to say that social networks can be included in the collecting part, as they include tutorials, instructions, recipes of all sort of topics. That is why we should take into account how social networks can benefit us as well as we can benefit others.

🥒 Thanks for your time, we'll see you next time. Pickles out! 🥒

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