jueves, 2 de abril de 2020


Good Morning and Welcome to our Blog 🥒
I'm Ben and this week I am undertaking the role of curator, this is the last role that I had left to be and I hope I can do it justice.

This week's task entailed the elaboration of a PLE based on three channels: Youtube, Podcasts and an Online announcement board. Of course the sources we have used for each of these are varied.

This task was given to us through the Online Classroom by our marvellous teacher, Linda, and we obtained most of our information using the following file:
Castañeda, L., & Adell, J. (2013). THE ANATOMY OF PLE. Recuperado 2 abril, 2020, de https://aulavirtual.um.es/access/content/group/5438_G_2019_N_N/Bilingual%20Group/Chapter1Castaneda_Adell2013EN.pdf


 logo youtube new GIF

Firstly, for youtube we used a few different channels whos main focus is childrens education and learning through songs and games.



season 3 podcast GIF by The Good PlaceSecondly, when talking about podcasts we first spoke about polatforms that can be used to listen to them, whatever the theme and then we researched podcasts tailoured to children and learning.


Online Announcement

seth meyers announcement GIF by Late Night with Seth MeyersLastly, to talk about online announcement boards we gathered various websites that can be used by teachers and students alike to share information and, in turn, aid learning.  


homer simpson drinking GIF

Finally, here is an updated version of our concept map: 

That would be all for today! We sincerely hope you have a lovely week, and stay tuned for more! 🥒

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