s谩bado, 2 de mayo de 2020


馃 Hello our dearest viewers from all around the globe! This is Carlos from PickleRICT bringing you my weekly post, this time I had the analyst role and I wrote down everything I've observed so far. So let's get into it! 馃

Firstly, this project has been split between two weeks, and we've been working on everything we could. We were assigned to do an infogram taking into account different aspects about how teaching should be approached and improved in our digital area. This was on Tuesday 28th, and we had to present it on the next Tuesday. So everyone read the text and we came with the main idea of the infogram. As usual of this group, we tend to try to think outside of the box when we're talking about designing a poster or a graph, always trying to make it attractive to the viewer and complete with its contents; so we thought about those tests that came on magazines that had a bunch of questions. And we started working on it! This has to be the best part of the activity!

But there was some complications throughout the way that delayed the final infogram to be made: some teammates had other classes when we tried to join in a call, different schedules made getting all the questions a bit complicated, the fact that Alex did the design of the infogram on her tablet and at some point there were some questions that were similar, things like this were some highlights about the worst parts of the activity. But neither can outstand when we had to change the infogram in order to include more content from the text, because the previous version was lacking a lot of the original thought. That sums up the worst part of the activity.

 Also we enjoyed been with each other meanwhile we worked individually; we calmed down each other by working together and the calls were also a place for having fun! And also we have to take care about trying to hear any point of view that speaks on these calls, being critical on our ideas and learning from others and comparing them to our peers, maybe a marvelous idea awaits someone to hear it.

And we cannot forget what we've learnt this weeks. Being able to keep up teaching in this situation can be somewhat unerving and lackluster, but we learnt that there are some tools that can help us to be state of the art with digital competences. We have to consider a lot of factors that can improve our use of the ICTs, but also our teaching: knowing how to adapt to society, making digital environmets safe and learning-focused, linking ICTs with our knowledge of contents, being able to communicate with their peers to aid them and make an equal environment... This is a crystal clear window to our idilic future, in which all teachers are capable of using the ICTs in a responsible manner, trying to make their students learn throught enjoyment. We have to be able to control these tools and, most importantly, make an analysis of ourselves. How do I teach?; How can I improve this?; How do I include this ICT on this class?; can be some examples of what we really need to know and do to improve as educators of young minds. 

And that's pretty much what we have this time. We are very near of our last sprint to finish the courses of this rather bizarre semester, but we are PickleRICT. We can cope with anything! I hope you've enjoyed this post and see you next time, this has been Carlos, signing off! 馃

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